Comment on Jason and the Hope Commission

Cf. Thiele 1831, p. 51: “Thorvaldsen, who realized that, because of these circumstances, he would not be able to ship Jason in the next few years, even if was complete, accordingly let this task give way to newer commissions, as he moreover believed he had reason to fear unpleasantnesses, were it to be discovered that he was occupied with English property.” Cf. also Thiele II, p. 55: “Moreover, Mr. Moir had, on Hope’s instructions, apprised our artist that shipping Jason could pose difficulties for him, as it was English property; hence if it was to be shipped, it should be sent under the Danish flag and to Copenhagen, and sent on from there to London when the occasion permitted it. Our artist took this into consideration, and accordingly found it most prudent to let Jason remain in place, as a kind of contraband.”

Last updated 21.12.2014