Comment on Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1828
The Building Commission for the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen requested the following works:- Christ, cf. A82 (in marble)
- Peter, A86
- Matthew, A87
- John, A89
- James the Less, A91
- Philip, A93
- Thomas, A96
- James the Greater, A98
- Bartholomew, A99
- Simon Zelotes, A101
- Paul, A103
- Jude Thaddæus, A105
- Andrew, A108
- Reclining Youth, A64
- Old Scribe, A63
- Mother with her Son, A62
- Father with his Son, A61
- Youth, A60
- John the Baptist, A59
- A Boy, A65
- Pharisee, A66
- Hunter, A67
- Two Children, A68
- Mother with her Child, A69
- Reclining Shepherd, A70
- Two candelabra for the high altar
- Baptismal Angel Kneeling, cf. A112
- The Entry into Jerusalem, cf. A559
- Two caryatids, cf. A55 and A56
Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon
(The Alexander Frieze), cf. A503
- Caroline Amalie, marble version; cf. A754
- Christian (8.) Frederik, marble version; cf. A753
- Caroline Amalie, in plaster or marble; cf. A164
- Nicolaus Copernicus, cf. A113
- The horse for Józef Poniatowski, cf. A123
Monument to Ercole Consalvi, cf. A612
Last updated 13.09.2015