Dinner at the house of the banker Martin Wilhelm Oppenheim (1781-1863) in the Villa Rosa, desined by the architect Gottfried Semper (1803-1879). Among those present is the banker’s son-in-law, August Grahl.
Primary sources
- Bärbel Stephan: ‘Thorvaldsens Aufenthalt im Juni des Jahres 1841 in der sächsischen Haupt- und Residenzstadt Dresden und auf dem Landschloß Maxen’, in: Sonderdruck aus der Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums 1994, p. 27.
- Rigmor Stampe (ed.): Baronesse Stampes Erindringer om Thorvaldsen, Copenhagen 1912, p. 122 (Stampe writes incorrectly that they arrived in Dresden 11.6.1841 and not 9.6.; Stampe dates this event to the “third day” and writes that it was the same day as the gala performance at the court theatre, which undoubtedly took place in the evening of 12.6.1841).
Other references
- Related Article: The Journey to Rome, May-September 1841
Last updated 17.07.2019