No. 4176 af 10318
Afsender Dato Modtager
Flora Hastings-Rawdon [+]



15.3.1827 [+]


Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]




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Palazzo Valdamtini
March 15. 1827.

The Marchioness of Hastings presents her compliments to Monsr. Le Chevalier Thorwaldson – & begs to know at what Hour either today tomorrow or Saturday her Son would be most likely to find the Chevalier unengaged – Lady Hastings would have made this request earlier but the Indisposition of a Friend to whom she had given a Message to Monsr. Thorwaldson & her own illness has prevented the enquieries which she has now requested her Son to be the Bearer of. – Lady Hastings has two objects in view to ask Monsr. Thorwaldson if he would undertake a Bust from a Cast of extrordinary Merit as a likeness executed at Malta & to solicit his opinion relative to a proper Design for a plain Monument which at a future Day she & her Family are very anxious to have executed on the Bastion St. Giovanni at Valetta -

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m12 1827, nr. 25
Sidst opdateret 10.05.2011 Print