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Solomon Gibson 3.12.1834 [+]


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[...] Mr (S) Gibson however in a letter accompanying his design, apprised the committee that the marble of the valley of Callonata, of which he proposed to construct the edifice, possessed all the requisite durability to resist the effects of our climate. Callonata marble from its flinty quality being entirely impervious to humidity, induced Mr Nash to use it in constructing the triumphant arch in front of Buckingham Palace. The celebrated Thorwaldsen has also adopted it for the colossal statue of Christ and his Apostles, which decorate the pediment of the cathedral now in progress of erection at Copenhagen. [...]

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Af artiklen citeres kun de dele, som vedrører/omhandler Thorvaldsen. Artiklen er afskrevet med enkelte ortografiske rettelser og venligt stillet til rådighed af Eric Forster.

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Andre referencer

  • Artiklen er trykt i The Times, 3 December 1834. London.
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Sidst opdateret 10.05.2011 Print