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George Ticknor

Denne biografi er under udarbejdelse.

Ticknor opholdt sig i Rom fra 2.11.1817 til 22.3.1818, og mødte her Thorvaldsen. Han skrev bl.a. følgende om den tysk/skandinaviske kreds, hvori Thorvaldsen færdedes:

Among the Germans there is the family of Bunsen, who has married an English woman, and is himself full of good learning and talent; the family of Mad. de Humboldt (in conversation called the Mad. de Stael of Germany), who collects about her every evening the best of her nation, especially the artists Thorwaldsen, Lund, Schadow, etc., and to whose society I owe some of the pleasantest hours I have passed in Rome;

Han var i Rom igen i 1836-37 med sin kone Anna Eliot Ticknor.

Portrættet til højre er et udsnit af Thomas Sullys (1783-1872) maleri fra 1831. Portrættet befinder sig på Hood Museum of Art – Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.


Last updated 21.03.2017

Thomas Sully: George Ticknor, 1831, udsnit

George Ticknor

1791-1871 American Litterat og amatørkunstner
From Thorvaldsen1 Doc.

Mentioned in1 Doc.