Kommentar til Thorvaldsens lille sølvhoved – et ruineret Tondoportræt

[The author’s note in the text] This is shown by, among other things, the discussion of the golden bust of “Marcus Aurelius” found in Avenches (Aventicum) in Switzerland, which has recently been identified as a portrait of Julianus Apostata, see J.Ch. Balty, ‘Le prétendu Marc-Aurele d’Avenches’ Eikones. Festschrift H. Jucker, Bern 1980, p. 57-63. On miniature imperial portraits, see B. Schneider, Studien zu den kleinformatigen Kaiserportraits (Diss.), Munich 1976. Director Dr. E. Künzl, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum in Mainz, is preparing a study of imperial portraits in precious metals based on two miniature portraits in silver of emperors from about 300 A.D., which are located in the museum in Mainz.

Sidst opdateret 26.11.2015