Kommentar til Frodig (over)producent eller strategisk kunstnergeni?

Se hertil evt. Olafur Eliassons hjemmeside, hvor hans værksted beskrives bl.a. som følger:
“From a small team in 1995, when Eliasson first moved to Berlin, Studio Olafur Eliasson has slowly grown to its current structure in response to the possibility of generating a wide range of projects. The studio now consists of a team of about 70 people, from craftsmen and specialised technicians, to architects, artists, archivists and art historians, cooks, and administrators. They work with Eliasson to experiment, develop, produce, and install artworks, projects, and exhibitions, as well as archiving, communicating, and contextualising his work. Additional to the artworks realised in-house, Eliasson and his studio contract structural engineers and other specialists, and collaborate with curators, cultural practitioners, and scientists.” [Citeret fra sitet marts 2014]

Sidst opdateret 24.05.2016