Bertel Thorvaldsen
Københavns Magistrat
Tilskrift: Til Magistraten i Kiøbenhavn.
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Kiøbenhavn, d. 11de. December 1838. | ærbødigst hengivne Albert Thorvaldsen |
By this I have the pleasure to forward the deed of gift to the City of Copenhagen and my will drawn up by me the 5th of this month and most graciously confirmed on the 8th, which is a repetition and confirmation of the one drawn up by me in Rome August 24th 1837, by which I donate all my collections of art to my mentioned native city. [I forward it] to the honourable corporation of Copenhagen with the wish and in the hope that the delegate citizens of this and the city jointly with the Committee for the Foundation of the museum will kindly and energetically work for the attaining as soon as possible of the purpose intended by me.
I have the honour to sign myself the mentioned corporation’s
Copenhagen, December 11th 1838 | Most sincerely, Albert Thorvaldsen |
[Translated by Karen Husum]
Brevet er af Magistraten påtegnet “pr 12 Decb 1838 2 Sret No 3813/1838”.
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Sidst opdateret 17.05.2016