Dear Sir
Three weeks will be as long as I can well spare the man now working on the restoration of the casts which you have presented to the Institution. To enable him to complete them in that time I ought to send others to assist him and I shall feel great pleasure in calling twice a day to direct the work. My own services will be gratuitous to the Institution but wages should be paid weekly to the workman by the keeper of the Institution. Sir, I have the honour to be yours S Gibson
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No. 2960 af 10319 |
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Afsender | Dato | Modtager |
Solomon Gibson
Afsendersted? |
Antagelig 1822
DateringsbegrundelseBrevet er ikke dateret, men de i brevet omtalte gibsafstøbninger er antagelig af græske skulpturer fra Aphaia templet på den græske ø Ægina doneret til The Royal Institution i Liverpool i 1822 formidlet af John Foster. Foster var blandt dem, der fandt og eksporterede disse græske skulpturer. |
John Foster the younger
ModtagerstedAntagelig Liverpool |
ResuméKommentarerne til dette brev er under udarbejdelse. |
Generel kommentar | |
Af brevet citeres kun de dele, som vedrører/omhandler Thorvaldsen. Brevet er afskrevet med enkelte ortografiske rettelser og venligt stillet til rådighed af Eric Forster. | |
Arkivplacering | |
The Liverpool Royal Institution Archive: LRI-1/3/1 (1813-1930) 51-34, University of Liverpool. | |
Andre referencer | |
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Emneord | |
Gipsafstøbninger, andre |
Sidst opdateret 21.02.2015