Sender NN
Recipient Bertel Thorvaldsen
Workshop accounts for the third week of July 1818.
The commentary for this register is not available at the moment.
Juli 1819 - januar 1823
The commentary for this account is not available at the moment.
August 1819 - juni 1822
September 1819 - december 1822
Accounts for carving the first marble version of Shepherd Boy, cf. A177.
Sender Hermann Ernst Freund
Freund tells Thorvaldsen about the progress of work in the workshop in Rome. He mentions the work...
Januar - december 1820
Maj 1820 - december 1823
Juli 1820 - januar 1821
Juli 1820 - november 1823
26.8. - 9.12.1820
Oktober 1820 - november 1822
Accounts for carving the second marble version of Shepherd Boy, cf. A177.
December 1820 - september 1821
Januar 1821 - november 1822
Februar 1821 - oktober 1822
Accounts for work on Hygieia and Aesculapius by Gaëti, Scalpellino, Bogazzi, István Ferenczy, Ama...
Accounts of repairs on a marble version of Cupid Triumphant, cf. A22, which had been damaged in t...
Marts 1821 - september 1822
Accounts for work on Hygieia and Aesculapius, by Bogazzi, István Ferenczy, and Amadeo.
April - september 1821
Maj 1820 - juli 1822
August 1821 - oktober 1823
December 1821 - september 1823
December 1821 - maj 1823
Januar - marts 1822
Accounts for carving the third marble version of Shepherd Boy, cf. A177.
Sender Thomas Hope
Hope gratefully acknowledges receipt of Jason with the Golden Fleece, A822, the portrait busts of...