

Christian Horneman

Sender’s Location



Bertel Thorvaldsen

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Udskrift: S TI Herr Etatsraad Thorwaldsen / Ridder af fleere Ordener Professor og Director af Academiet St Luca / i / Rom.
Tilskrift: S T Herr Etatzraad og Ridder Thorwaldsen.

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


Hornemann recommends the composer Frølich, who intends to spend a year in Italy. He does not like the exhibition at the Academy of Fine Arts this year, but the antiques hall looks elegant, and he is very pleased that Thorvaldsen’s sculptures have been put on swivel pedestals.


Kiøbenhavn 20 May 1829

Min hæderlige og kiære Ven

Efter at jeg i disse Dage har tilskreven demII med den Neapolitanske Prinds Palazola, tager jeg mig paa ny den Frihed idet jeg racommanderer dem min særdeles gode Ven Her Syngemester FrölichIII som agter at opholde sig et Aar i Italien, alle Danske ere jo noksom overbeviiste om med hvilken Godhed og Velvillighed De modtager derres Landsmænd, Gud Velsigne dem derfore siden jeg skrev dem det sidste BrevIV var jeg nede paa UdstillingenV, den var dette Aar kun jammerlig, men derimod er Antik SalenVI bleven meget for skjønnet og den Inrettning at kunde dreieVII Statyerne rundt, saa at man seer dem til alle sider og i det fordelagtigste Lys, er en ubeskrivelig Nydelse for den følsomme Konstner saaledes blev GratiernesVIII Gruppe satte i Bevægelse for mig, det henrev min Siæl men destoværre ikke mere mit Legeme –––––– man wird Alt. ––––––
Kuns ønskede jeg at der i den store Sal isteden for den Bronserede BysteIX af Frederik den 5te sammes Collosale Statue af vor store Thorwaldsen maatte komme isteden; thi den lile sorte Buste, med sin grønne Piedestal giør en fæl Virkning imod det øvrige. –
Dersom De, med min Ven Hr: Frölich vilde skrive mig et par Ord skulle det Glæde mig usigelig, omendskiøndt jeg tvivler at det vil skee, saa lever jeg i Haabet, og vil nu slutte for ikke alt for længe at kiede Dem med mit Vaas.

Derres hengivne Ven
og Beundrer C: Horneman

Oversættelse af dokument

Copenhagen, May 20th 1829

Honourable and dear friend,

Having written to you these days through the Neapolitan Prince Palazola, I again take the liberty to recommend to you my very good friend Mr. choirmaster Frölich who intends to stay a year in Italy; all Danes are convinced about the kindness with which you receive your countrymen, God bless you for it; since I wrote my last letter to you, I went to the Exhibition, it was wretced this year, whereas the Antique Hall has been much improved, and the contraption which makes it possible to rotate the statues so that you see them at all sides and in the best light is a pleasure beyond words to the sensitive artist, the group of the Graces was set moving in this way to me, it fascinated my soul but I am afraid no longer my body –––––– man wird Alt. ––––––
I merely wished that instead of the bronzed bust of Frederik V in the large hall his colossal bust by our great Thorvaldsen might be put up; as the small, black bust with its green pedestal makes a nasty impression compared to the rest.–
If you would write a couple of words to me together with my friend Mr: Frölich I should be immensely pleased, even though I doubt it will happen, I live in hope, and not to bore you with my nonsense any longer I shall now finish,

Your sincere friend
and admirer C: Horneman

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Archival Reference

m14 1829, nr. 71


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




A29 Gratierne og Amor, april 1819, inv.nr. A29


  1. Dvs. salvo titulo, der er latin for “med forbehold for titlen”. Udtrykket bruges i tilskrifter på breve, når man vil angive, at man ikke kender titlen, eller at denne formalitet ikke er nødvendig.

  2. I.e. he had written to Thorvaldsen through “Prince Palazola”, probably a member of the Neapolitan aristocratic family of Ruffo, possibly Fulco Ruffo di Calabria-Santapau (1801-1848), 8th prince of Palazzolo, see Horneman’s letter dated 4.5.1829.

  3. The Danish composer J.F. Frøhlich, who lived in Rome 1830-31.

  4. See Horneman’s letter dated 4.5.1829.

  5. Cf. Fortegnelse over de ved det Kongelige Akademie for de skjönne Kunster offentligen udstillede Kunstværker, Copenhagen 1829, and the related article Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Exhibitions.

  6. The so-called Figure Room or Antique Room (today the great hall) at Charlottenborg Palace was rebuilt in 1828 by C.F. Hansen. Several of Thorvaldsen’s works were placed here and in the adjoining north-west cabinet, cf. the related article Thorvaldsen’s Residence, Studio and Museum in the Academy of Arts, Copenhagen

  7. In connection with C.F. Hansen’s renovation, a number of sculptures were provided with new, rotating pedestals.

    See rotating pedestals in the paintings: Read about rotating pedestals in the article:
  8. Plaster cast of Cupid and the Graces, cf. A911.

  9. Horneman is probably referring to Jacques François Joseph Saly’s (1717-1776) bust of Frederik 5., Kunstakademiet, inv. nr. KS 419, modelled 1754 as a study for the equestrian statue in Amalienborg Palace Square.

Last updated 05.12.2017