Christian 8.
Christian 8.
Dateringen fremgår af dagbogen.
Visits Thorvaldsen’s workshops in Vicolo delle Colonnette.
[Dagbog 6.1.1820:]
Besøgt Thorwaldsens AttelierI. Villa AlbaniII, herlige Statuer og Basreliefs brugte som Decoration i Palaiet, skiøn Udsigt derfra. Villa Borghese;III en Deel ruinert ved at sælge alt det bedste til Frankerige. CorsoenIV brilant. Herlig Musik hos SertiniV. Besøg hos Dronningen af LuccaVI. Soirée hos TorloniasVII.
Uddrag af Christian (8.) Frederiks dagbog, jf. Fabritius, Friis & Kornerup (ed.), op. cit.
Last updated 09.01.2017
Thorvaldsens værksteder i daværende Vicolo delle Colonnette, jf. referenceartiklen Thorvaldsens små værksteder ved Piazza Barberini.
Villa outside Porta Salara, built by Cardinal Allessandro Albani (1692-1779), who patronized the neoclassical art critic Johann Joachim Winckelmann. The house had a large collection of antiques, catalogued by Winckelmann, part of which was taken by the French in 1798-1799.
In Thorvaldsen’s time, the Borghese family’s collection of paintings was in Palazzo Borghese on the Tiber. Prince Camillo Borghese (1775-1832), who was married to Napoleons sister Pauline, sold a number of the most famous antiques to the Louvre in 1807, but the collection was later reconstructed, and new acquisitions were added.
Hovedgaden i Rom, Via del Corso. Vejen løber de ca. 1,6 km fra Piazza del Popolo i nord til Piazza Venezia i syd.
Italiensk kapelmester Giuseppe Sirletti eller Zerletti, jf. Fabritius, Friis & Kornerup (ed.), op. cit. II, 1. halvbind, p. 534.
Storhertuginde af Toscana, Napoleon 1.s søster, Elisa Baciocchi.
Den italienske hertug og bankier Giovanni Raimondo Torlonia.