No. 2102 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
Mary Stewart Mackenzie [+]

Sender’s Location

Brahan Castle

Information on sender

Brevet har været lukket med et rødt laksegl.

5.1.1819 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Udskrift: Il Cavaliere Thorvaldsen / Roma.
Brevet er poststemplet “CHAMBERY”, “ANGLETERRE”, “2FEBRAIO” samt med et rundt poststempel med et kryds dannet af “F19” og “264”. Desuden to udtværede stempler, hvor blot teksten “JAN 11” anes.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.

See Original [Translation]

5th. Janu


Understanding from my Sisters that you have some intentions of visiting Britain in the Spring I cannot help expressing to you how much pleasure it will afford M. Stewart Mackenzie & Myself if in making your arrangements for the time you spend in Britain you will include in them a journey to Brahan Castle. I assure you besides the pleasure of seeing my Sister it will afford us no small satisfaction to become acquaiented with a person whose high character must ensure respect from all, & whose congeniality of mind with a person so dear to us promises to make the happiness of her life, & by rendering time a part of our family makes it matter of affectionate interest to all of us to become acquainted with. I imagine too that the Seat of Francess ancestors & the habitation of her earlier years cannot be a spot devoid to you of deep interest.
Perhaps this letter may be the first mention you may have heard of my name I therefore must be allowed to explain to you that I am the eldest Sister of your beloved & one who from her cradle was much loved by her, M. Stewart Mackenzie is my husband & we have one little boy his infancy & important business on our own estate makes it unpossible for us to leave it for a long time to come, I therefore look forward to your kindly promising to visit us where

You will be most
cordially welcomed as

My sole chance of making your acquaintance. I shall not say any thing to you of long salutation as all expressions must fall so short of the sense both you and I entertain of the value of the prize you have obtained. If you render her as happy as she desires you must be yourself the happiest of mankind. Wishing you many & happy years I remaine dear Sir

Your most sincere

Mary Stewart Mackenzie

Archival Reference
m35 V, nr. 20
Last updated 06.02.2013 Print