No. 3543 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
American Academy of the Fine Arts [+]

Sender’s Location

New York

6.8.1824 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Recipient’s Location



The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.

See Original

American Academy
Fine Arts

New-York sixth day of August 18 24

Be it Known, that Sigr. Thorwaldson Sculptor of Rome has been duly chosen an Honorary member of the American Academy of the Fine Arts, and as such, is entitled to all the rights and privileges given to Honorary Members by the Bye-Laws of the said Academy.

In testemony whereof, the Seal of the said Academy is affixed to these presents, and the same are are signed by the President of the said Academy, and countersigned by the Secretary, the day and year above written

Jo:[?] Trumbull

Al Robintson


General Comment

De fortrykte dele af dette diplom er markeret med gråt.
Øverst til venstre ses rødt papirsegl med tilklippet takket kant. Seglet viser en fremstilling af Apollo Belvedere omkranset af teksten “AMERICAN ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS”.

Archival Reference
m29A, nr. 15
Thorvaldsen's Honorary Titles
Last updated 09.07.2013 Print