Comment on Venus Priapus
Here is a list of the epithets applied to Venus in antiquity, referring to the various aspects of her identity (cf. LIMC, op. cit.):
- Venus Caelestis, the heavenly one.
- Venus Calva, the bald one.
- Venus Cloacina, the purifying one; a combination of Roman Venus with the Etruscan water-goddess Cloacina.
- Venus Cyprus, the one from Cyprus—one of the two islands where it was said that the goddess first came to shore after being born of the sea.
- Venus Cytherea, the one from Cythera—the other of the two islands where it was said that the goddess first came to shore after being born of the sea.
- Venus Erycina, the one from Eryx; i.e., the goddess worshiped at a temple on Mount Eryx in Sicily, where there lived a large number of so-called “heirodules,” i.e., female religious prostitutes.
- Venus Euploia, the one who grants winds favorable for sailing.
- Venus Felix, the happy one, or the one who makes others happy.
- Venus Genetrix, the creating, begetting mother of the Roman people.
- Venus Genetyllis, the protector of childbirths.
- Venus Heliopolitana, one of three gods—Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury—who formed the Heliopolitan triad worshiped at the “city of the sun,” Heliopolis (present-day Baalbek in Lebanon).
- Venus Libertina, the freed or released one.
- Venus Marina, popular in harbor towns such as Pompeii and Ostia.
- Venus Murcia, combining Venus with the goddess Murcia, and associated with the myrtle plant, symbolizing innocence, virginity, and faithful love.
- Venus Obsequens, the mild, indulgent one, for women caught in adultery.
- Venus Pandemos, the one common to all people, protector of sensual love.
- Venus Pompeiana, protector of the city of Pompeii.
- Venus Pronuba, the one who brings together, a “matchmaker” in matters of marriage.
- Venus Physica, the power that forms the physical world.
- Venus Pudica, the modest or ashamed one.
- Venus Urania, the heavenly one.
- Venus Verticordia, the changer of hearts.
- Venus Victrix, the victorious one, bringing military victory, victory over men’s hearts, or victory in beauty contests.
- Venus Victrix Hyblensis, a combination of Venus and the Sicilian goddess of nature Hybla, worshiped at sites with unusual natural features, such as volcanoes.
Venus Vulgivaga, the roving one, protector of sensual love and prostitution.
Last updated 10.02.2021