Comment on Commission for the Monument of Thomas Maitland

Cf. Sass, op. cit., vol. III, p. 172, note 817, who proposes an identification of this rejected drawing with a specific drawing held by Thorvaldsens Museum. The classification system Sass referred to has since been changed, however, making it impossible to trace her reference directly. But in all likelihood the drawing in question is D1564. Cf. the note Rekonstruktion af Magasin E [Reconstruction of Magasin E], prepared by Marit Ramsing between October 18, 1983 and April 2, 1984, in which the drawing is mentioned on p. 5. This drawing was first listed in the Thorvaldsens Museum catalogue as “Et Gravmæle med en Portrætbuste af en Mand i romersk Krigerdragt foroven (Pen)” [A Tombstone, with a Portrait Bust of a Man in Roman Martial Dress Above (Pen)], cf. Tillæg til Hoved-Katalogen [Appendix to the Main Catalogue], THM, pp. 58-59. The other drawing—the one Thorvaldsen chose, and possibly corrected—was presumably sent back to Naranzi (cf. Sass, op. cit., p. 416), unless it was subsequently lost.

Last updated 16.12.2014