Comment on 17.1.-14.2.1797

This is most likely the porcelain sculpture group Caduta dei Giganti (The Fall of the Giants) by the Italian sculptor Filippo Tagliolini (1745-1809), who worked at the porcelain factory Real Fabbrica di Capodimonte from 1781. The group is made of porcelain, is 162 cm tall, and today is at the Museo di Capodimonte ( 515).
Tagliolini worked on the sculpture for a number of years from 1787, and in 1799 it was still in the factory, see Alvar González-Palacios: Lo scultore Filippo Tagliolini e la Porcellana di Napoli, Torino 1988, p. 164, 39.

Last updated 23.03.2015