Back to 1844

Middle of February 1844

The Genius of Poetry, A527.

Primary sources

  • Thiele IV, p. 233-234.
  • Albert Repholtz: Thorvaldsen og Nysø, Copenhagen 1911, p. 136 (based on an inscription which is read as: 24 Ap. 44, Repholtz suggests that the relief was completed a month after Thorvaldsen’s death by “another artist”. The inscription, however, is difficult to decipher exactly as regards the final “4” in 44. Thiele does not mention the possible involvement of other artists but says that the relief was completed in mid-February 1844).
  • Journalnr. 7II 20/1957 in the Thorvaldsens Museums Archives.

Last updated 16.06.2014