Back to 1805

Presumably 9.1.1805

Thorvaldsen’s friend, C.F.F. Stanley arrives in Rome and moves into Casa Buti.

Primary sources

  • Stanley’s passport for Naples-Rome, among his papers in the Manuscript Department, The Royal Library, Copenhagen, NKS 1976, 2º (The passport has been signed by the authorities at “Capua” 5.1.1805 (north of Naples) and “Mola di Gaeta” 6.1. and “Portella” 7.1. (i.e. Passo di Portella in the town of Monte San Biagio on the border between the Kingdom of Naples and the Papal States). Stanley followed the same route – by and large along the Via Appia – as Thorvaldsen when he made the same journey in 7.3.1797).

Last updated 23.06.2014