Frédéric Flachéron

  • Marie-Louise Berner, Bjørn Ochsner,, 1989
  • This is a re-publication of the article in Danish: Marie-Louise Berner and Bjørn Ochsner: ‘Frédéric Flachéron’, in: Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum (Communications from the Thorvaldsens Museum) p. 1989, p. 326-338.
    For a presentation of the article in its original appearance in Danish, please see this facsimile scan.

Although Thorvaldsen died only a few years after the invention of photography, the staff of his museum in Copenhagen, including Dyveke Helsted, who has been its director since 1963, have greatly contributed to our knowledge of Italian photography.

Thus, Dyveke Helsted identified the so-called Count Flachéron, whose calotypes from Rome around 1850 have been praised ever since the 1851 World Exhibition in London.

This article about Flachéron endeavours to shed more light on his life and work.

Last updated 11.05.2017