Documents from/to De danske Romere to/from others than Thorvaldsen


N.C.L. Abrahams

De danske Romere

Song by Abrahams on the occasion of the first celebration of Thorvaldsen’s Roman birthday in the ...


N.C.L. Abrahams

De danske Romere

Song by Abrahams on the occasion of the first celebration of Thorvaldsen’s Roman birthday in the ...


H.C. Andersen

De danske Romere

The commentary to this document is not available at the moment.


H.C. Andersen, Ludvig Bødtcher, De danske Romere, Henrik Hertz, F.C. Hillerup, Christian Winther

De danske Romere

The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.


Adam Oehlenschläger

De danske Romere

A song about Thorvaldsen’s two birthdays. While it is everyone’s lot to be born once, only a geni...

Middle of June 1844

De danske Romere


The commentary to this document is not available at the moment.