September 1820


John Cam Hobhouse

Sender’s Location



Bertel Thorvaldsen

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

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Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


Hobhouse introduces his compatriot Joseph Douglas Strutt, who is spending the winter in Rome. He has requested Strutt to ask Thorvaldsen what has become of the bust of Lord Byron that he has been waiting for for more than a year. Byron has informed him repeatedly that it is on its way. Hobhouse requests an answer from Thorvaldsen.


Dear Sir.

I beg leave to introduce to your favorable attentions Mr Douglass StruttI an English gentleman who proposes passing the winter at RomeII. Any one can show him the monuments of the illustrious dead but I would willingly give him the means of becoming acquainted with the illustrious livingIII. Mr Strutt is charged with the commission of asking you what has become of the inimitable bust of Lord ByronIV which has been some time finished in your hands & which I was in hopes would have arrived in England more than a year ago. I have repeatedly heard from Lord ByronV on the subject & he has assured me that the bust was on its road to this country. I am extremly eager to be possessed of so great a treasure.
If you should have any friend coming to England I hope you will condescent to favor me with a letter. I shall be happy to be of whatever service to him a native can be to a foreigner in this country. It will always give me sensible pleasure to hear of your health & prosperity.

I beg to remain your most hu[m]ble

& faithful serva[n]t

John C. Hobhouse

The Chevalier Thorvaldsen

London. September. 1820.

Archival Reference

m6 1820, nr. 41


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




A256 George Gordon Byron, Antagelig 1824, A256
A257 George Gordon Byron, 29. april 1817 - 20. maj 1817, A257
A717 George Gordon Byron, Tidligst 20. maj 1817, A717


  1. Den unge englænder Joseph Douglas Strutt, der var på sin grand tour gennem Europa, og som den gængse dannelsesrejse tro rejste via Italien.

  2. Douglas Strutt havde været i Frankrig og Schweiz, før han ankom til Italien. Derpå rejste han til Sicilien, Malta, Grækenland og Tyrkiet. På sin færd fra Izmir til Konstantinopel blev han ramt af en dødelig feber. Se Strutts biografi her.

  3. Med “the illustrious living” sigter Hobhouse elegant og flatterende til Thorvaldsen.

  4. Hobhouse havde bestilt en portrætbuste af Byron i 1817, jf. hans brev til Thorvaldsen fra april eller maj 1817. Den pågældende buste befinder sig i dag i det engelske kongehus’ eje (Royal Collections, Windsor).

  5. Den engelske digter George Gordon Byron.

Last updated 01.02.2016