No. 2035 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
Veronica Zauli Guarini [+]

Sender’s Location


Information on sender

Spor af segl.

23.10.1818 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Udskrift: Al Sige : Professore Torvalsen / S. P. M.


Veronica Zauli Guarini has called in vain on Thorvaldsen to hear whether he will execute her bust in marble, and how long it will take. If it is not possible, she just wants to know what she owes him for the plaster bust and asks him to send it to her.

See Original

Sigr: Torvalsen Revmo:

Per due volte sono stata al suo Studio, per sentire se Ella voleva eseguirmi in Marmo il mio Busto, e a che eppoca potrei lusingarmi di averlo, diversamente desidero sapere cosa le devo per il Busto in Gesso, che favorirà in questo caso mandarmi.
Mi protesto.

Casa 23 8bre. 1818

Sua Affma:
Veronica Zauli Guarini

Archival Reference
m5 1818, nr. 72
Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.
Other references

  • Else Kai Sass: Thorvaldsens Portrætbuster, København 1963-65, vol. I, p. 472-474.
Commissions, not Accepted and Unrealized · Lost Works by Thorvaldsen · Portrait Busts, Contemporary Persons
Last updated 25.03.2021 Print