No. 9002 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
? Mrs. Bateman [+]

Sender’s Location


6.12.1841 [+]

Dating based on

Dag og måned, men ikke året fremgår af brevet. Da brevet er skrevet i Italien til Christine Stampe, må det stamme fra det ophold i Rom 1841-42, hvor Thorvaldsen og familien Stampe rejste til Rom og boede dér. Da den 6.12 kun i 1841 falder i perioden, må der være tale om denne dato.

Christine Stampe [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Udskrift: La Baronne de Stampe / Capo le Case.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.

See Original

Mrs Bateman presents her compliments to the Baroness de Stampe & begs to offer her sincere thanks for her kind note, at the same time regretting, that having already made several appointments, she is, at present, unable to avail herself of of [sic] the Baroness’ obliging permission to fix a day for having the pleasure of again accompanying her, to the Studios of the Painters, which however she hopes to enjoy ere long. Mrs Bateman intends to have the honor [sic] of calling upon the Baroness, in the course of a few days, if nothing unforeseen occur.
28. Via del Corso Decbr 6

Archival Reference
m34, nr. 78
Last updated 26.05.2014 Print