Comment on 6.8.1804

I.e. the crates that Thorvaldsen in 1802 sent from Leghorn to the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen on board the frigate Triton. Among other things, the crates contained samples of his work. See more about this in Transportation of Thorvaldsen’s Artworks to Copenhagn 1798 and 1802.
Already in his letter of 20.3.1802, Thorvaldsen had asked Abildgaard to pay Ulrich for the transport. However, it appears from letter of 18.4.1803 from J.C. Ulrich that Abildgaard had refused to pay for two of the crates, for which he thought that Thorvaldsen should pay himself.
See also letter of 9.5.1803 from J.C. Ulrich, in which he gives a detailed account of his expenses and complains that he has still not been reimbursed for his expenses.

Last updated 08.06.2015