Comment on Ropp's Commission 1804-05

According to NN, Catalogue des Tableaux…, op. cit., cat. no. 2, the height of Venus was “3 p.[ieds du roi] 10 p.[ouces]” = 124.5 cm.

According to Hase, op. cit., Venus was “3 Fuß 10 Zoll hoch.” Based on the Prussian foot [‘Fuß’] (31,1385 cm) and inch [‘Zoll’] (2,6154 cm), this yields a height of 120.3 cm.

However, on an 1806 price list, Venus is recorded as being 6 palmi high, corresponding to 6×22.3 cm = 133.8 cm. (On the palmo as a unit of length, see the Related Article on Weights and Measures).
On another list, dated 4.2.1809, Venus is recorded as being 2 [Danish] ells and 2 inches tall, corresponding to 130.77 cm.

It is currently unknown which of these measurements is most accurate.

Last updated 29.06.2014