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15.2.1798 General Louis Alexandre Berthier (1753-1815) proclaims a Roman republic from the Capitoline Hill.
18.2.1819 Visit from Jørgen Knudtzon, Alexander Baillie and Frederik Schmidt.
18.2.1829 Ludwig 1. of Bavaria visits Thorvaldsen in his studio and awards him the title of Commander of the Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown, N10, with the words: “The soldier is honoured on the battlefield, but the artist among his works”.
15.1.1834 Thorvaldsen is about to fall from a scaffold during the modelling of the horse for the monument to Maximilian 1. (A128).
18.2.1835 Possibly at the theatre to see Wilhelm Christoph Leonhard Gerhard’s play Der Jahrmarkt zu Borgo di Trastullo.
Not later than 18.2.1841 Cupid and the Sleeping Psyche, A428.
Not later than 18.2.1841 Psyche and the Sleeping Cupid, A429.