

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Tilskrift: Til / Commissionen for Slottets samt / det nye Raad og Domhuses Opførelse.
Ingen udskrift.

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The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Med Fornøielse har jeg modtaget den Hoi Kongl Commissions meget ærede Skrivelse af 6 Febr. d.a. hvorved jeg med Glæde erfarer dens Bestræbelser for at bekiæmpe alle de Vanskeligheder der modsætte sig dens ivrige Attraae: at skaffe Blokke af det i Norge opdagede Marmor Brud til Khvn; – et Material der i Almindelighed saameget vilde biedrage til at hæve Konsten i Norden og give mig Leilighed til at see mit nærmeste Ønske opfyldt: at arbeide for mit Fædreland, og saameget det stod i min Magt biedrage til at pryde de under Commissionens Ressort vigtige og mesterlig udførte Bygninger: Kongeboeligen Christiansborg samt Raad og Domhuset.

Jeg agter at tiltræde min Reise til Khvn næste Foraar 1814, og bereder mig derfor nu til at fuldende det Arbeide som jeg ved Contract har forpligtet mig til at aflevere til en vis Tid, De øvrige Arbeider som ingen bestemt Tid er underkastet blive staaende i mit Værksted her i Rom indtil videre.
Naar jeg i Khvn har udført de Arbeider i Stuk og modelleert de Figurer til Slottet samt Raad og Domhuset som den høie Commission ved dens meget ærede Skrivelse har tilkiendegivet mig at ville overdrage mig, reiser jeg tilbage til Rom for der nærmere efter Omstændighederne at arrangere mine Sager – og da vil det være tids nok at være betænkt paa Anskaffelse af Arbeidere til Marmorets Behandling. – Til Udførelsen af Stukarbeidet behøver jeg ingen videre Hielp end den af Commissionen foreslaaede Italiener som opholder sig i Khvn. –
Jeg har ingensinde kunnet omtvivle at Commissionen jo vilde finde det overenstemmende med Billighed at Reiseomkostningerne, samt den faste aarlige Gage jeg som Professor ved Academiet St Lucca her og som jeg taber ved at forlade Rom, vorder mig gotgiordt i Khvn. – Jeg kan imidlertid med Henhold til Commissionens Brev ikke undlade at giøre den opmærksom paa at mit Tab ved Academiet St Lucca naar jeg forlader Rom for at gaae til Khvn, for kort el. lang Tid, under alle Omstændigheder, ikke er midlertidigt men bestandigt. – Academiets Statutter tilstaaer ikkun høist eet Aars Fraværelse for dets Medlemmer. Under længere Ophold taber det fraværende Medlem sin Post og med den sin Gage. Skal jeg som Hensigten er virke i Khvn, da er dette Tab mig uundgaaeligt for bestandig. –
Men saavel denne Sag som og Udredelsen af de Omkostninger der vil være forbunden med min Reise, hvilke jeg umueligen kan forud bestemme kunne beroe indtil jeg ved min Ankomst til Khvn derom kan nøjagtigen opgive det Fornødne til Allerunderdanigst Forestilling –

Rom d 8 April 1813 – A T.

Oversættelse af dokument

I have with pleasure received the favour of February 6th this year from the high Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace from which with joy I learn about its endeavour to oppose all the difficulties that resist its zealous desire: to obtain blocks from the marble quarry discovered in Norway for Copenhagen; – a material which in general would contribute to raise art in the North and give me occasion to see my most sincere wish fulfilled: to work for my native land and as much as I could to contribute to ornament the important buildings executed in a masterly manner in the sphere of the Building Commission: The Royal Palace Christiansborg as well as the court and town hall.

I intend to start my journey to Copenhagen next spring 1814, so I now prepare myself to finish the work I by contract am bound to deliver at a certain time, the other works which are not subject to a certain time will stay in my workshop here in Rome for the present. When in Copenhagen I have executed the works in stucco and modelled the figures for the palace and the court and town hall which the high Building Commission by its favour has informed me will be assigned to me, I shall return to Rome in order to organize my business according to circumstances – and it will then be early enough to think about obtaining workers for the working up of the marble. – For the execution of the stucco work I need no more help but the Italian who is staying in Copenhagen, whom the Building Commission has suggested.

I have never doubted that the Building Commission would find it in agreement with fairness that the travel expenses as well as the fixed annual salary I have as a professor at the Academy St. Lucca here and which I lose by leaving Rome will be repaid to me in Copenhagen. – However, referring to the letter from the Building Commission I cannot omit to draw its attention to the fact that my loss at the Academy St Lucca when I leave Rome to go to Copenhagen for a short or a long time in any circumstances is not temporary but everlasting. – The rules of the Academy permit only one year’s absence at the most for its members. During a longer stay the absent member loses his post and with it his salary. If, as the intention is, I shall be active in Copenhagen, this loss will for me inevitably be everlasting. –
But this matter as well as the payment of the expenses connected with my journey, which I cannot possibly decide in advance could be left until at my arrival in Copenhagen I can state them precisely and state what is necessary to the most humble presentation –

Rome, April 18th 1813 A. T.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

Der findes yderligere to brevudkast til tidligere versioner af visse passager i dette udkast. Den ene er mere fragmentarisk, det andet i højere grad tættere på nærværende.

Document Type

Udkast af koncipist


Peder Malling

Archival Reference

m28, nr. 60


Last updated 11.11.2014