September-oktober 1826


Ellis Cornelia Knight

Sender’s Location




Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår ikke af brevet, men det må stamme fra efteråret 1826 af to grunde: For det første blev brevet sendt sammen med et brev af 27.11.1826 fra en Mrs. Benfield til Thorvaldsen.
For det andet refererer Knight til “a letter from me this summer”, som uden tvivl må være hendes brev af 17.5.1826, hvor hun henvender sig vedrørende samme sag som i dette rykkerbrev.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


My dear Madam

As you were so good as to say that you would give a message from me to Thorwaldsen, I shall be much obliged to you if you will ask him whether he received a letterI from me this summer to enquire about the smaller basrelief which he has executed on the subject of the triumphal entry of Alexander into Babylon. In case he should not have disposed of it, I wished to know the size in length, depth and bredth, and the price of it. A letter directed to Pce. Castelci[c]ala’sII here will reach me where I may be.
Allow me to assure you of the pleasure I have had in meeting you, and of my best wishes for your finding Italy agreable and beneficial to your health.
Believe me, Dear Madam, very sincerely yours
E.C. Knight.

Hotel de la Temple
Tuesday [xx]

Archival Reference

m11 1826, nr. 27



  1. Dvs. Knights brev af 17.5.1826 til Thorvaldsen.

  2. Antagelig den napolitanske kardinal og politiker Fabrizio Ruffo, der også var fyrste af Castelcicala.

Last updated 07.01.2013