

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Københavns Magistrat

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Da Hr Professor Freund, som jeg i det af mig her i Staden under 5te December 1838 oprettede og af notar. publ. paategnede, Document, /: hvori jeg har gjentaget og nærmere bestemt min under d 24de Aug: 1837 og 25 Julii 1838 i Rom for notarius udtrykte sidste Villie om hvorledes der efter min Død forholdes med mine Efterladenskaber :/ havde, forsaavidt Skiftet efter min Død bliver at behandle her i Staden, udnævnt til Medexsecutor i Forening med dHerr Conferenceraad Collin og Professor, nu Justitsraad, Thiele samt den af Kjøbenhavns Magistrats Midte, som ifølge mit, i den 6te § af ovenmeldte under 5te Dcbr: 1838 oprettede Document yttrede, Ønske, maatte blive auctoriseret til, i Forening med de af mig valgte Executorer at besørge det Fornødne, under [den 30te Junii] ved Døden er afgaaet; saa udnævner jeg herved dHrr Professor Theologiæ Clausen og Professor i Botanik Schouw til, i afg[ang]ne Professor Freunds Sted, i Forening med de andre tre Herrer som Fuldbyrdelsen af min sidste Villie her i Staden overdrages, som Med=Exsecutorer at overholde og fuldbyrde min i oftnævnte Document af 5te Dcbr: 1838 forkyndte sidste Villie, hvorhos det forstaaer sig selv at i Tilfælde af ulige Meninger iblandt bemeldte Herrer, skeer Afgjørelsen efter Pluralitet af Stemmer.
Kiøbenhavn d. 6 Aug 1840

Oversættelse af dokument

For the document drawn up by me in this city December 5th 1838 and certified by notary public /: in which I have repeated and specified my last will expressed August 24th 1837 and July 25th 1838 to notary public in Rome about how to act about my property after my death :/ provided that the administration after my death will take place in this city I had nominated professor Freund as co-executor together with the gentlemen Konferensråd Collin and professor, now counsellor Thiele and the person from the midst of the corporation of Copenhagen, who might be authorized to attend to the needful together with the executors nominated by me according to my wish in the 6th § of the abovementioned document drawn up December 5th 1838. As professor Freund died [June 30th] I hereby nominate the gentlemen professor of theology Clausen and professor of botany Schouw in the deceased professor Freund’s place, together with the other three gentlemen, to whom the execution of my last will has been assigned as co-executors to observe and execute my last will expressed in the mentioned document of December 5th 1838, and it stands to reason that in case of different opinions among the mentioned gentlemen the decision will be reached by majority of votes.
Copenhagen, August 6th 1840

[Translated by Karen Husum]

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Last updated 18.05.2016