

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Tilskrift: Til den Kongelige Slotsbygnings Commission

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Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


A bill for the execution of four colossal statues for Christiansborg Palace.


Til at bestride de Udgifter, som forefalde med Udførelsen af StatuerneI til Portalet paa Christiansborg Slot, udbeder jeg mig anviist en Summa af 2000rbdII.

Kiøbenhavn, d. 23 Aug 1843

Albert Thorvaldsen

Indbenævnte To Tusende Rbd. Sedler anviste d. 25. og betalte d. 26: aug. 1843

Oversættelse af dokument

To defray the expenses in connection with the execution of the statues for the portal at Christiansborg Palace I beg to have assigned a sum of 2,000 rbd.

Copenhagen, August 23rd 1843
Yours faithfully

Albert Thorvaldsen

The mentioned two thousand Rbd notes assigned August the 25th and paid August the 26th 1843.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Document Type

Færdigt dokument af koncipist


Jonas Collin

Archival Reference

Rigsarkivet, Rentekammeret, Slotsbygningskommissionen, Sager vedr. Thorvaldsen og Dalhoff, A. Thorvaldsen sager.



A14 Herkules, august 1843 - november 1843, inv.nr. A14
A17 Minerva, 1843, inv.nr. A17
A19 Nemesis, 1843, inv.nr. A19
A20 Æskulap, 1843, inv.nr. A20


  1. I.e. Thorvaldsen’s personifications of Strength, Health, Justice, and Wisdom, four colossal statues, which were originally placed in niches in the portal of the then Christiansborg Palace, and which are now in Prins Jørgens Gård:

  2. I.e. rix-dollars, cf. the article Monetary Units.

Last updated 02.09.2016