

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Fonden ad usus publicos

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Thorvaldsen recommends the history painter Andreas Ludvig Koop.


Med den største Forneyelse kan jeg bevidne at jeg, efter at have lært at kjende Historiemaler Hr: Koops Arbeider, er bleven fuldkommen overbeviist om hans ualmindelige Talent og Dygtighed, ligesom jeg ogsaa har havt Leilighed til at bemerke med hvor rosværdig Fliid Hr: Koop uophørlig arbeider fremad – og jeg anseer det for min Pligt herved at yttre mit Vidnesbyrd om at Hr: Koop sikkerlig vil præstere Noget meget Fortrinligt i Konsten og gjøre Fædrelandet og sine Velyndere sand Ære, hvis han, ved en allernaadigst Kongelig Undestyttelse, kunde blive sat i stand til her, i Konstens gamle Hjem, at fortsætte sine Studier og fuldende sin Dannelse.

Rom den 8 Novembr 1822

A Thorvaldsen

Oversættelse af dokument

With the greatest pleasure I can testify that having become acquainted with the works of historical painter Mr Koop I have become completely convinced of his unusual talent and skill, and I have also had the opportunity to notice with what commendable diligence Mr Koop incessantly works on – and I regard it my duty hereby to express my firm belief that Mr Koop will certainly do something very excellent in art and be a true credit to the native land as well as to his patrons, if by a most gracious royal support he could be enabled here in art’s ancient home to continue his studies and finish his education.

Rome, November 8th 1822

A Thorvaldsen

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

This recommendation was enclosed in one of Koop’s many applications to Fonden ad Usus Publicos. See the almost identical draft of the application for comments on the contents. Koop obtained support in 1821, 1824-1827 and 1830-1832.

Document Type

Færdigt dokument af koncipist


Hermann Ernst Freund

Comment on amanuensis

Brevet er ført i pennen af H.E. Freund, men oprindelig konciperet af P.O. Brøndsted, se brevudkast af samme dato her.

Archival Reference

Rigsarkivet, Fonden ad usus publicos’ arkiv, journalsag nr. 1193/1822


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.



Last updated 06.11.2015