Bertel Thorvaldsen
Friederich Ernst von Prangen
Ingen udskrift.
Tilskrift: Høivelbaarne Hr. Oberst v. Prangen, Chef for Ingenieurcorpset, Commandeur af Dannebrogen.
Dateringen fremgår af brevet.
The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.
Forinden den ærede Commission, for hvilken Deres Høivelbaarenhed er Formand, slutter sine Forhandlinger angaaende Museumsbygningen, tillader jeg mig at giøre Dem opmærksom paa Følgende. Det Første, jeg maa berøre, er det, som jeg oftere baade mundtligt og skriftligt har anført, at Soliditet, Sikkerhed mod Ildsfare, god Belysning og af simpelt Udvortes er ikke blot alt hvad jeg ønsker ved denne Bygning, men at jeg endog ønsker, at alle udvortes architectoniske Decorationer og Zirater maatte saa vidt muligt undgaaes ved den. Heller ikke kan jeg tilbageholde den Formening, at Rummets Udvidelse udenfor de bestaaende Mure i den af Hans Majestæt skiænkede Bygning er unødvendig. Imidlertid vil jeg derom ingen videre Discussion foranledige. Men en anden Punct, som jeg maa bede at man vil tage i ganske særdeles Betragtning, og som ved Planernes Udarbeidelse for alting ikke maa tabes af Sigte, er, at det hverken har været eller er min Hensigt, at de Summer, som jeg har skiænket til Museet, skulle anvendes til det egentlige Bygningsarbeide, men derimod til det egentlige Museum, Kiærnen; til Sagernes smagfulde Opstilling og Conservation, og til deres Forøgelse, saaledes som mit Gavebrev forudsætter. Thi jeg paatvivler ingenlunde, at et smukt Opbevaringssted, saa godt som jeg ønsker det, jo vil kunne komme i Stand ved de Midler, dertil haves, deels i Hans Majestæts Gaver i Bygning og i Penge, deels ved mine Medborgeres frivillige Sammenskud, og endeligen ved det Bidrag, som Hovedstaden, der har modtaget min Gave, vil tilskyde. Til Slutning maa jeg tienstligst anmode Deres Høivelbaarenhed om behageligen at foranledige, at naar Commissionen indsender sine Planer og Forslag til Stadens Øvrighed og til Musee-Comiteen, denne Skrivelse da bliver paaberaabt og vedlagt.
Kiøbenhavn den 8de Maii 1839.
Before the honourable commission of which you, Sir are ends its negotiations regarding the museum, I take the liberty of calling your attention to the following. What I first must touch on is that which I have often mentioned verbally as well as in writing that solidity, security of fire, good lighting and being of a plain exterior is not only all that I wish for this building, but I also want all exterior architectural decorations and ornaments to be avoided wherever possible. Neither can I keep back the opinion that the extension of the room outside the existing walls is unnecessary in the building donated by His Majesty. However, I will not give rise to further discussion about this. But another point, which I want to be particularly considered and which must not be lost sight of at the elaboration of the plans for everything, is that it has not been nor is it my intention that the sums, which I have donated to the museum, should be used for the real building work, but on the contrary for the proper museum, the core, for the tasteful arrangement of the articles and conservation, and to their increase, such as it is presumed in my deed of gift. For I do not doubt at all that a beautiful place, such as I wish can be brought about by the means at disposal, partly from His Majesty’s donation of building and money, partly from the voluntary contributions from my fellow countrymen, and finally by the grant from the Capital, which has received my gift. Closing I must officially beg you, Sir to bring about that this letter is produced and enclosed when the commission sends in its plans and recommendations to the authorities of the city and the museum committee.
Copenhagen, May 8th 1839
[Translated by Karen Husum]
Der er tale om en afskrift. Afskriften er muligvis foretaget af Just Mathias Thiele.
Last updated 18.05.2016