Antagelig 1830


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Jonas Collin

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift, da der er tale om et udkast.

Dating based on

Dateringen er baseret på den skitse til Monumentet over George Gordon Byron, C352, som udkastet er skrevet på. Den stammer fra 1830, ligesom Koop samme år ansøgte om støtte hos Fonden ad Usus Publicos, hvor netop Jonas Collin var sekretær. Koop havde dog økonomiske problemer de sidste mange år af sit liv.


Thorvaldsen asks Jonas Collin to help the history painter Andreas Ludvig Koop financially.


Thorvaldsen hilser Hr ConferentsraadenI paa det venska[be]ligste [over linjen: Conferentsraaden hjertelig] og beder Dem enstendig at jelpe den arm[e] KoopII at han kunde faae et hasteIII og bestemdt svar jeg ved ellers ikke hvolunde det vel gaae ham det vel eller[s] tage en Sørgelig ende med ham og hans famigliaIV

Hr Hr


Oversættelse af dokument

Thorvaldsen greets the konferensråd amicably [above the line: the konferensråd sincerely] and beg you urgently to help the poor Koop so that he could get a quick and certain answer I do not know how he will do otherwise if not he and his family will come to a sad end.

Mr Mr


[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

The draft is probably addressed to Jonas Collin in his capacity as secretary of Fonden ad Usus Publicos, from whom Koop applied for support several times, e.g. in 1830.

The draft is written on one of Thorvaldsen’s drawings, C352. There is an earlier draft of the same letter, which is very difficult to decipher.

Document Type

Egenhændigt udkast

Archival Reference



Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




C352 Monumentet over George Gordon Byron, 1830, C352


  1. A high Danish title, now obsolete.

  2. I.e. the Danish painter Andreas Ludvig Koop, who had financial problems during the last many years of his life.

  3. Dvs. hastigt, hurtigt.

  4. In 1825, Koop married the architect J.L. Thrane’s widow Giacinta, with whom he had lived since 1821. Thus both their own children and the wife’s children of her first marriage were part of the family.

Last updated 09.05.2016