

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Herman Schubart

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

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Fragment of a draft letter. Thorvaldsen thanks the Schubarts.


De[t] er meg ikke muligtI at be[s]krive de foeler den hengevenhed som ieg føler for al de ma[n]ge Godhede[r] som ieg har nydt af Der[es] Ecellenza og kan kun som ikke meer [xxx] kommenII maa nøjees hermed med at fremstele andet en[d] et seleppleIII[?] men oprigtig taksigeIV til dem og Dere[s] naadige FrueV[,] giv ieg maatte snart have den Glæde at see dem her Da man taller om Der skal være pest i livor[no]

Oversættelse af dokument

It is not possible for me to describe the feel the affection I feel for all the kindness which I have enjoyed from Your Excellency and can only which not more [xxx] come and I must be content with thus to give but simple though heartfelt thanks to you and your gracious lady, I wish I might soon have the pleasure of seeing you here as it is said there is a plague in Leghorn

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

This draft is found on the last page of another draft of 6.8.1804 from Thorvaldsen to the Academy of Fine Arts – written by Herman Schubart. This fragment is written in pencil and is quite difficult to decipher as appears from the transcript.
There ia another, slightly longer draft of the same letter, see the general comment there on Thorvaldsen’s letter writing process.

Document Type

Egenhændigt udkast

Archival Reference

m28, nr. 27


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




  1. This sentence is repeated in the second draft of the same letter.

  2. These five words have been inserted between two lines, and it is difficult to determine their precise position in the context.

  3. This word is difficult to decipher. Even though there is no m in the word, this reading makes sense in the context: Thorvaldsen must be content with expressing his simple but sincere thanks.
    The omission of the m and the creative spelling may be explained by Thorvaldsen’s dyslexia, see the related article about
    Thorvaldsen’s Spoken and Written Language.

  4. Thorvaldsen må have ment taksigelse.

  5. I.e. Jacqueline Schubart.

Last updated 29.06.2015