Efter 9. og før 16.7.1804


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



J.L. Lund

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.

Dating based on

Dateringen er baseret på oplysningen i brevet om, at Thorvaldsen befinder sig hos familien Schubart. Thorvaldsen kom antagelig til Montenero tidligst den 9. og senest den 16.7.1804, jf. brevudkast af efter 2.7.1804 fra Thorvaldsen til Schubart og J.L. Lunds brev til Thorvaldsen af 13.7.1804, der må være nået frem omkring 16.7.1804. Se dog også regning af antagelig ultimo juni 1804 og dateringsbegrundelsen for denne, da usikkerhederne omkring Thorvaldsens opholdsteder sommeren 1804 tydeligt udtrykkes her.


Thorvaldsen is happy that J.L. Lund has had his grant prolonged so that he can stay in Rome for another two years. He writes that he has stayed longer than planned in Florence, and that he is now at Schubart’s. Afterwards he will go to Carrara. He asks Lund to keep an eye on his studio and hopes to hear from him.


Gode Ven! Monte NeroI d

Jeg har Med med stor Glæde har ieg erfaret her af Her Baron ShubartII at De har faaet Deres Ønske opfyldt at kunde blive ennu to Aar lang i RomIII som fornøeer mig Ret inderlig.
Jeg er ikke kommen længere end til FlorenIV som ieg fandt saa mange smukke Ting her at jeg afslo Grev Molkte[s]V Gode tilbud at Reyse vider med ham nu er j[eg] hos Baron Shubart og gaar om nogen tid herfra til CararaVI og beder Dem at see let efter mine TingVII i min Fraværelse.
Kunde De finde Tiid til at skrive mig et par Or til saa vi[l]de [De] dermed Ret gl[æ]de Der[es] Ven


[Omvendt på siden i fht. ovenstående tekst:]
65 piastreVIII

[På papirets bagside:]
Gode Ven!
Vil De bevise mig den tieneste at besørge dette Brev til MadamIX
jeg er ikke kommen lengere en til FlorenzX som har Glædet m[i]g saa meget at ieg avsloe at Reise viderre med Grev MoltkeXI. nu er ieg paa Monte NeroXII hos Hr Baron ShubartXIII hvor ieg med fornøelse har erfaret at De kan bliveXIV endnu [?]XV i Rom

Oversættelse af dokument

Good friend, Monte Nero

I have With great pleasure have I learnt here from Baron Schubart that you have had your wish fulfilled to be able to stay for two more years in Rome, which delights me intensely.
I have not got further than Florence where I found so many beautiful things that I declined Count Moltke’s kind offer to travel on with him, now I am at Baron Schubart’s and soon I shall go from here to Carrara and I ask you to look after my things in my absence.
If you could find time to write me a couple of words [you] wou[l]d truly please your friend,


[upside down on the page compared to the above text:]
65 piastre

[on the back of the paper:]
Good friend,
Will you render me a service to deliver this letter to Madam
I have not got further than to Florence which has pleased me so much that I declined to travel on with Count Moltke. Now I am in Montenero at Count Schubart’s where I with pleasure have learnt that you can stay [?] longer in Rome.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

The draft at the bottom is probably the first since the draft at the top is far more fluent and also completed.
The drafts are two of a total of 5 draft letters to Lund during this journey, see draft of June-the beginning of July 1804, after 16.7. and not later than 6.8.1804, and 6.8.1804. The number of letters clearly shows how many times Thorvaldsen could try to get a letter ready to be sent off before he succeeded. See the related article about Thorvaldsen’s Spoken and Written Language regarding this.

The drafts are written on the back of a printed advertisement for visitors to Florence (text in Italian and French with summaries in German and English), which says that Pio Lombardi and Vincenzio Petrarchi offer board and lodging at la Locanda dell’Aquila Nera. The same boarding house is mentioned in a letter from Johan Jacob Ekman dated 24.2.1801. Maybe this boarding house was the place to stay in Florence, and Thorvaldsen may have stayed there during the last part of his visit to the city that summer? See bill of probably the end of June 1804.

Document Type

Egenhændigt udkast

Archival Reference

m28, nr. 112


Gengivet hos Thiele I, p. 227.




  1. Baron Herman Schubart’s country house, Montenero.

  2. Baron Herman Schubart.

  3. Lund was awarded a royal travelling scholarship 1804-06 and was informed of this in a letter of 19.5.1804 from the engraver J.F. Clemens (1748-1831). The letter is in the Manuscript Department, the Royal Library, NBD, and is reproduced in Leo Swane: J.F. Clemens. Biografi samt fortegnelse over hans kobberstik, Copenhagen 1929, p. 313.
    However, Thorvaldsen was to enjoy Lund’s company until 1810 and again from 1816-19. Lund himself informed Thorvaldsen of the news in his letter of 13.7.1804.

  4. In the company of Count Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke, Thorvaldsen arrived in Florence around 1.6.1804 and remained there till shortly after 9.7.1804, see the Thorvaldsen Chronology.

  5. Count Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke, with whom Thorvaldsen had first gone to Naples and then to Florence, see the Thorvaldsen Chronology.

  6. In the company of Schubart, Thorvaldsen visited the marble quarries at Carrara at the end of August 1804, see the Thorvaldsen Chronology.

  7. Already at this time Lund was looking after Thorvaldsen’s business since, in a letter of 13.7.1804, he mentions two bills which he has paid on Thorvaldsen’s behalf.

  8. It is not known what this sum refers to, or whether it has any connection with the draft. The sum may just have been written down on the available piece of paper. See the related article about the “Monetary Units:/artikler/moentenheder of the time.

  9. See letter draft to Lund of June-the beginning of July 1804, where Thorvaldsen writes and deletes the name of Uhden (i.e. Anna Maria Uhden) twice, and where the name of Zoëga (i.e. Maria Zoëga) is left undeleted. Maybe Thorvaldsen meant both women here as he certainly sent a letter to Uhden of 6.8.1804 in his letter to Lund of the same date. The same may have been done with a letter to Zoëga.

  10. In the company of Count Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke, Thorvaldsen arrived in Florence around 1.6.1804 and remained there till shortly after 9.7.1804, see the Thorvaldsen Chronology.

  11. Count Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke, with whom Thorvaldsen had first gone to Naples and then to Florence, see the Thorvaldsen Chronology.

  12. Baron Herman Schubart’s country house, Montenero.

  13. Baron Herman Schubart.

  14. Lund was awarded a royal travelling scholarship 1804-06 and was informed of this in a letter of 19.5.1804 from the engraver J.F. Clemens (1748-1831). The letter is in the Manuscript Department, the Royal Library, NBD, and is reproduced in Leo Swane: J.F. Clemens. Biografi samt fortegnelse over hans kobberstik, Copenhagen 1929, p. 313.
    However, Thorvaldsen was to enjoy Lund’s company until 1810 and again from 1816-19. Lund himself informed Thorvaldsen of the news in his letter of 13.7.1804.

  15. Illegible, but cf. above it must mean two years.

Last updated 20.05.2015