

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Thorvaldsen asks permission to adopt his daughter Elisa so that she will obtain the same rights as a legitimate child.


Til Kongen.

EtatsraadI, Commandeur af DannebrogenII Albert Thorvaldsen ansøger allerunderdanigst at den af ham under hans Ophold i Rom udenfor Ægteskab med Anna Maria MagnaniIII avlede DatterIV allernaadigst maa blive ham adopteret og føre hans Navn, som en af ham i retmæssigt Ægteskab avlet Datter, for som saadan at være arveberettiget.   Aar 1813, den 8de MartiiV fødtes udenfor Ægteskab – og den 13de Martii samme AarVI døbtes her i Rom Pigen Elisa Sophia Charlotte, til hvem jeg undertegnede Albert Thorvaldsen anerkjender mig at være Faderen, og hvis Moder er: Anna Maria Magnani fra Rom. Rigtigheden heraf udviser hoslagte DøbeattestVII overeensstemmende med Kirkebogen i St. Marcelli i RomVIII.
Mit allerunderdanigste Ønske er: at denne min naturlige Datter, – til Beroligelse for mig – og Betryggelse for hende, maa bære mit Navn, og der hos blive berettiget til at nyde al den Ret og Beskyttelse som et i lovligt Ægteskab fremavlet eneste Barn. – Jeg nærer det allerunderdanigste Haab, at dette mit aller underdanigste Ønske allernaadigst vil blive bønhørt, da jeg iøvrigt intetsteds har nogen anden Paarørende eller Slægtning.

Rom den 15de Januarii 1833.

Albert Thorvaldsen.

Oversættelse af dokument

To the King.

Titular Councillor of State, Commander of the Order of the Dannebrog Albert Thorvaldsen most humbly petitions for adoption of his natural daughter procreated by him with Anna Maria Magnani during his stay in Rome and that she may carry his name as a daughter procreated in a lawful marriage, and as such be entitled to succeed to his estate.   The year 1813 on the 8th of March a girl was born out of wedlock and the 13th of March the same year here in Rome she was baptized Elisa Sophia Charlotte, of whom I acknowledge to be the father and whose mother is: Anna Maria Magnani from Rome. The correctness of this is shown by the enclosed certificate of baptism in agreement with the church register in St. Marcelli in Rome.
My most humble wish is: that this my natural daughter, – to reassure me – and for her comfort, may carry my name and so be entitled to enjoy all the rights and protection as an only child procreated in a legitimate marriage. – I cherish the most humble hope that this my humble wish will be granted, as besides I have no other relation or kin.

Rome, January 15th 1833.

Most humbly,
Bertel Thorvaldsen

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Document Type

Færdigt dokument af koncipist



Archival Reference

Rigsarkivet, Kongehusarkivet, Christian 8.s arkiv.


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.

Other references

Louis Bobé: Af Reventlowske familiepapirer VII, [København], u.å.




  1. Thorvaldsen was made Titular Councillor of State 12.11.1819, cf. the article Thorvaldsen’s Honorary Titles.

  2. Thorvaldsen was made Commander of the Order of the Dannebrog 1.8.1829, cf. the article Thorvaldsen’s Honorary Titles.

  3. The Italian Anna Maria Uhden, née Magnani.

  4. Thorvaldsen’s daughter Elisa Paulsen.

  5. Cf. the Thorvaldsen chronology 9.3.1813. Elisa maintained that her birthday was 9.3.1813 and not, as Thorvaldsen here writes, 8.3.1813.

  6. Cf. the Thorvaldsen chronology 13.3.1813.

  7. Elisa’s certificate of baptism has not yet been identified.

  8. I.e. the church San Marcello al Corso, Rome.

Last updated 24.02.2020