Efter 2.7. og antagelig før 9.7.1804


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Herman Schubart

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.

Dating based on

Udkastet er et svar på Herman Schubarts brev til Thorvaldsen af 2.7.1804 og skal derfor dateres umiddelbart herefter. Udkastet må desuden være skrevet før den 9.7.1804, eftersom Thorvaldsen med stor sandsynlighed rejste mod Montenero på, eller kort efter, denne dato (jf. brevindholdet nedenfor), og antagelig nåede frem inden 16.7.1804, hvor brevet fra Lund af 13.7.1804 må antages at være nået frem; for dette se evt. kommentar i brevtekst nedenfor til “først i tilkommende Uge”.


Thorvaldsen thanks Schubart for his letter and tells him that he hopes to see him at Montenero the following week.



Med stor Glæde har jeg modtaget Deres Exelence[s] Brev af II dI Da ieg deraf ser at De Exelense og Deres naadige FrueII Kone Befender seg friske og Vel som altid vel forneøe mig at hiøre Jeg befe[n]der mig ogsaa Ret Vel og med at det [xxx] er overmaade Vel her saa har jeg dog l[ovet o]ft[ere] at kommeIII til Der[es] Exelense og haaber at vel see D[em] først i tilkommende UgeIV.

[dertil kommer følgende indskudV:]
med [xx] ieg heller g[x]r i ded ned

Brev og [xxx x]s [xx] saa fiern [xxxxx] saa har ieg dog inderlig l[xxx] efter at komVI

Oversættelse af dokument


I have received Your Excellency[’s] letter of II with great pleasure. As I from that see that you Excellency and your gracious lady wife are hearty and well, which always will please me to hear. I am also quite well and because it [xxx] is extremely well here, I have p[romised] [more often] to come to Your Excellency’s and hope to see y[ou] early next week.

[added the following insertion:]
With[xx] I rather g[x] in it down

Letter and [xxx x]s (xx) so distant [xxxxx] I nevertheless feel an intense l[xxx] after com

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

The draft is an answer to Schubart’s letter of 2.7.1804, in which he urgently invites Thorvaldsen to visit Montenero. Thiele I, p. 224 and 234, writes that Thorvaldsen, at this time, had already been at Montenero and visited Florence twice, but it is not known what Thiele bases this statement on. No sources in the Archives support this whereas the above draft letter, the above-mentioned letter from Schubart, and Thorvaldsen’s draft on the same sheet, probably to J.L. Lund, of June-the beginning of july 1804, indicate that Thorvaldsen, when he wrote this draft, had not yet visited Montenero. However, see bill of probably the end of June 1804 and the argument for dating this, where the uncertainties of Thorvaldsen’s whereabouts in the summer of 1804 are clearly expressed.

Document Type

Egenhændigt udkast

Archival Reference



Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




  1. Herman Schubart’s letter to Thorvaldsen of 2.7.1804.

  2. Herman Schubart’s wife Jacqueline Schubart.

  3. Thorvaldsen must have received an earlier invitation to visit the family at their country house Montenero near Leghorn. They may have discussed the possibility during their stay in Naples in April of that year, see the Thorvaldsen Chronology.

  4. Depending on how soon after receipt of Schubart’s letter this draft was written, Thorvaldsen’s expected arrival at Montenero must have been either Monday 9th, at the earliest, or Monday 16.7.1804. As Thorvaldsen’s draft letter of after 9 and before 16.7.1804 to J.L. Lund was written at Montenero before he received Lund’s letter of 13.7.1804, it is most likely that Thorvaldsen travelled to Montenero during the week beginning 9.7.1804.

  5. The insertion is difficult to decipher and does not make sense.

  6. The sentence is difficult to decipher, but it must be a friendly expression of the anticipated pleasure of his coming visit to Montenero.

Last updated 19.05.2015