No. 4729 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
Charles Benet Drake Garrard [+]

Sender’s Location


Information on sender

Laksegl med delvist utydeligt våbenskjold med løver og drager, omgivet af en krans. Sandsynligvis er det familien Drake Garrards våbenskjold. Poststemplet: PPAYÉ PARIS, PONT BEAUVOISIN og 26 Xanv 1829 (antagelig en forkortelse for “janvier” (januar).

Før 26.1.1829 [+]

Dating based on

Afsenderen har kun dateret brevet til januar, men det er poststemplet “26. Xanv 1829”, så det er antageligt skrevet kort tid før afsendelsen.

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Information on recipient

Al Signor Thorwaldson / Scultore / Rome / En Italie/ Italie


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.

See Original

Paris – January – 1829.


Enclosed I send you a sketch which you were so good as to draw for me when I was in Rome last April, as a Monument for my father & Mother. The design I have no doubt you will remember;
it is my father & mother being united in the next world – I now write to request that it may be executed. – And as I believe it is usual that half the price should be paid at the commencement of the work, if you will have the goodness to write to me acknowledging the receipt of this letter I will immediately give orders to my banker to transmit to you in whatever way you may wish the sum of 50 £ sterling – My direction is at Monsr. Lafitte’s – Rue d’Artois Paris. I am Sir

Your obedient Servant

Cha. B. Drake Garrard

To Signor Thorvaldsen

Perhaps you can let me know when the Monument is likely to be completed.

General Comment

Charles Benet Drake Garrard asks Thorvaldsen to execute a monument to his father and mother, cf. A620.

Archival Reference
m14 1829, nr. 13
Portrait Reliefs, Thorvaldsen's
Charles Drake Garrard · Anne Garrard
Last updated 03.06.2019 Print