No. 2623 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
John Cam Hobhouse [+]

Sender’s Location


September 1820 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringsbegrundelsen er under udarbejdelse.

Joseph Douglas Strutt [+]

Recipient’s Location

Antagelig London

Information on recipient

Udskrift: J. D. Strutt
Formentlig senere påskrift: Hobhouse / Sep : / 1820


Hobgouse sends three letters that may be useful to him. He requests Strutt to ask Thorvaldsen to send the bust of Lord Byron directly to him. He recommends Strutt to travel by land from Naples to Otranto on his way to Greece and to beware of Ali Pasha’s war. He encloses a letter to Ugo Foscolo.

See Original

Dear Sir –

I take the liberty of transmitting to you three letters. – I know not that they will be of any use to you – but you may try them – If you see Mr. Thorswalden pray tell him to send my bust of Lord Byron directly to me by the usual means – You will confer a favour on me if you will let me hear from you on this subject from Rome –
Let me advice you to travel from Naples by land to Otranto in your way to Greece. The good folks will endeavor to detour you – but go by all means – As to Greece you must be regulated by accidents[?]– ‘Ali Pacha ’s war is rather against you’ –
I have enclosed a letter to Foscolo which you may find an opportunity of leaving with a card –
With every wish for your health & good fortune during your journey believe me

Your faithfully
John-C. Hobhouse

Whitton Park – Hounslow.

Archival Reference
Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.
On Letters and Writing · Portrait Busts, Contemporary Persons · Thorvaldsen's Works, Reminders for
George Gordon Byron · Ali Pasha · Bertel Thorvaldsen
Last updated 05.08.2018 Print