No. 7550 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Sender’s Location


2.5.1838 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Angelo Bezzi [+]

Recipient’s Location



Thorvaldsen certifies that Bezzi continues to apply himself to the study of sculpture, and hopefully he will make progress.

Certifico io sotto che il Sigr Angelo Bezzi di Ravenna continua ad applicarsi con impegno allo studio della scultura, e che fà in esso sperare qualche progresso.
In fede Roma questo di 2. Maggio 1838.

Alberto Thorvaldsen

General Comment

Erklæringen kan formentlig opfattes som et bevis på, at Bezzi omkring eller frem mod 1838 var elev hos Thorvaldsen.

Archival Reference
Research Library, The Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (860980).
Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.
Recommendation by Thorvaldsen · Thorvalden's Assistants
Last updated 19.08.2014 Print