No. 1666 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Sender’s Location


20.3.1817 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af kvitteringen.

Felix Slade [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Udskrift: Per il Sige / Sige Thorwaldsen / &c &c &c


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.

Io A. Thorwaldsen ho ricevuto scudi 200 per pagare alle Lavore di Bronzo che si fà per Sigr. Slade.
Roma li 20 Marzo 1817 –

Archival Reference
Ericsbergsarkivet, Autografsamlingen, volym 249, Riksarkivet, Stockholm
Document Type Amanuensis
Document by amanuensis NN
Last updated 01.09.2014 Print