Comment on 31.1.1805

In Reventlow’s mansion in Copenhagen, cf. letter dated 28.11.1808 from Reventlow. Here the count writes: “Counsellor Abildgaard… has sent me [the bust of A.P. Bernstorff], which is now in my house, but I do not know what plans you have for it.” Thorvaldsen then gave the bust to Reventlow, see letter dated 4.2.1809.
The bust was later moved to Pederstrup on Lolland, where Thorvaldsen saw it on 20.8.1820 during his visit to Denmark. See more about this in Chr. B. Reventlow: En dansk Statsmands Hjem, Copenhagen 1903, II, p. 254. The bust is now at Brahetrolleborg.

Last updated 29.01.2018