Comment on Jean-Marie-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) and Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844)

Three versions: Bertel Thorvaldsen, Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon, 1812, plaster bas-relief, 106.5×3446 cm, Copenhagen, Thorvaldsens Museum (Inv. A503) ; Bertel Thorvaldsen, Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon, 1822, marble bas-relief, 55.5×2294.5 cm, Copenhagen, Thorvaldsens Museum (Inv. A508) ; Bertel Thorvaldsen, Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon (Alexander Frieze), 1822, marble bas-relief, 55.5×2294.5 cm, Rome, Quirinal Palace.

Last updated 10.02.2023