Comment on Jean-Marie-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) and Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844)

BØGGILD JOHANNSEN 2015, p. 27: “Apart from the above-mentioned activities, Thorvaldsen was also involved in the planning of the wedding of Zoëga’s eldest daughter, Laura, to a young French artist. However the wedding was never realized”; see also Carl V. Petersen, “Lettre d’Ingres à Laure Zoëga”, Kunstmuseets Aarsskrift, III, 1917, p. 61-66, note n°12 (later abbreviated as PETERSEN 1917); Haavard Rostrup, “Ingres et la fille de Zoëga”, Gazette des beaux-arts, February 1969, p. 120 (later abbreviated as ROSTRUP 1969).

Last updated 10.02.2023