Comment on Jean-Marie-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) and Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844)

BØGGILD JOHANNSEN 2015, p. 25: “The learned Danish scholar Georg Zoëga passed away on 10 February 1809 after ten days of illness. […] As is evident from this and several other accounts of the course of events, the close friend and protégé of Zoëga, the Danish sculptor Thorvaldsen, stayed with the critically ill scholar until the last and later played a central role in winding up the estate. […] In his reply (20 February 1809) to an earlier letter from Thorvaldsen (15 February 1809), Schubart approved of the measures taken, which also reflected the requirements stated in his own letter of 17 February 1809, in which in his capacity as envoy to the Royal Danish Court, he appointed Thorvaldsen and Brown as curators of the estate to ensure that the valuable manuscripts did not “fall into the thieving hands of the local authority””.

Last updated 10.02.2023