Comment on Omkring 1.2.1804

This must mean that the block of marble for Jason had already been rough-hewn by the marble sculptors Finelli & Keller at that time and was now ready for Thorvaldsen to do the fine carving, cf. Stig Miss: ‘Tilblivelsen af Jason med det gyldne skind – de samtidige kilder’, in: Meddelelser fra Thorvaldsens Museum 2003, Copenhagen 2004, p. 14.
That the carving of the statue should have come so far that it had been carved in the main, i.e. “out of the points”, fits in very well with the expression “that it is waiting for me” – cf. C.F.F. Stanley’s comment in letter of 7.9.1805 concerning the sculptures in Thorvaldsen’s workshop that have been roughly carved: “…these will soon be waiting for your polishing…”
See more about the making of Jason in the related article about Jason and the Hope Commission.

Last updated 10.02.2015