Comment on Prolific Producer or Strategic Genius?

On this see the letters dated 21.8.1828 and 22.9.1828, along with the letter dated 1.12.1831, in which Bienaimé complains three years later that he had to ship four works before having them inspected and approved by Thorvaldsen himself. That this was an exception to the rule is evident from the letter’s emphatic tone. The artworks in question were marble statues for the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen, namely Peter, cf. A86, Paul, cf. A103, and presumably the statue of the baptismal angel including the baptismal font, i.e., Baptismal Angel Kneeling, cf. A112 (compare the formulation in the letter: l’Angelo, ed il Battistero [the angel, and the baptismal font]).

Last updated 24.05.2016