Comment on Ultimo 1797

Bartolig has been deleted. It is probably a reference to a publication of engravings of the sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti’s (1378-1455) bronze doors for the Baptistry in Florence. It is quite correctly not the engraver Pietro Santo Bartoli (1635-1700), who engraved the plates in this work. When Thorvaldsen refers to the publication as one of the new works of copper plates, he undoubtedly means: Die bronzerne Thüre des Baptisteriums S. Giovanni in Florenz, gez. und radirt von Feodor Iwanowitsch, Kalmuk. Herausgegeben in Rom von H. Keller, Bildhauer, 1798. A copy of this work is to be found in Thorvaldsens Museum, M275.
Fedor Iwanowitsch is represented in Thorvaldsen’s collections by 9 drawings D789-D797.

Last updated 05.03.2015